Victoria面临36亿美元的赤字,导致税收增加,包括加倍征收消防服务税。 Victoria faces a $3.6 billion deficit, leading to tax increases including a doubled fire services levy.
维多利亚的预算赤字正在增加,达到14亿美元,预计2024-25年将出现36亿美元的赤字。 Victoria's budget deficit is on the rise, reaching $1.4 billion, with a projected $3.6 billion deficit for 2024-25. 为了解决这一问题,政府正在将消防服务税增加一倍,每年增加60美元。 To address this, the government is doubling the fire services levy, increasing it by $60 annually. 从2026年开始,电动车主将失去100美元的登记折扣,堵车税将提高并扩大到墨尔本的内东郊区。 Electric vehicle owners will lose a $100 registration discount starting in 2026, and the congestion levy will be hiked and extended into Melbourne's inner-eastern suburbs. 这些改变旨在管理墨尔本地铁隧道和医院供资等基础设施支出的增加。 These changes aim to manage increased spending on infrastructure like the Melbourne Metro Tunnel and hospital funding.