英国病人接受世界上第一个由应用程序控制的神经刺激器植入,以治疗睡眠性春睡。 UK patients receive world's first app-controlled nerve stimulator implants to treat sleep apnoea.
联合王国的病人获得了第一个用于睡眠性春睡的App-受控神经刺激器植入器,为传统的CPAP机器提供了替代办法。 Patients in the UK have received the first app-controlled nerve stimulator implants for sleep apnoea, offering an alternative to traditional CPAP machines. Genio Nyxoah植入物刺激了控制舌肌肉的低矮神经,可使用智能手机应用程序加以调整。 The Genio Nyxoah implant, which stimulates the hypoglossal nerve controlling the tongue muscles, can be adjusted using a smartphone app. 该植入器安装在三小时程序内,可为800万英国居民提供缓解措施,这些居民受到睡眠opnoea的干扰。 Installed in a three-hour procedure, the implant may provide relief for the eight million UK residents affected by sleep apnoea. 该装置由附在下巴上的外部芯片控制,白天可再充电。 The device is controlled by an external chip attached to the chin and can be recharged during the day.