在威斯康星州,两名男子因持有儿童色情制品而被捕,罪名是向国家中心提供小费。 Two men in Wisconsin arrested for possessing child pornography after tips to a national center.
在威斯康辛州,29岁的Jeffrey Stefonik和44岁的Timothy Stoehr因拥有儿童色情制品而被捕。 Two men in Wisconsin, Jeffrey Stefonik, 29, and Timothy Stoehr, 44, have been arrested for possessing child pornography. Stefonik是一名已定罪的重罪犯,于11月22日被捕,面临22项拥有儿童色情制品罪、9项非法持有火器罪以及与THC和毒品有关的指控。 Stefonik, a convicted felon, was arrested on November 22 and faces 22 counts of child pornography possession, nine counts of illegal firearm possession, and charges related to THC and drug paraphernalia. 12月5日,Stoehr被捕,面临10项拥有儿童色情制品罪和10项对儿童性剥削罪。 Stoehr was arrested on December 5 and faces 10 counts of child pornography possession and 10 counts of sexual exploitation of a child. 这两次逮捕都是在向失踪和被剥削儿童国家中心提供关于上传的含有涉嫌儿童色情制品的档案的提示之后进行的。 Both arrests followed tips to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children about uploaded files containing suspected child pornography.