这款新型隐身抢劫游戏将魔法与科技融合, 预计将于2026年发售. "Thick as Thieves," a new stealth-heist game blending magic and tech, is set for release in 2026.
"厚如小偷",由沃伦·斯佩克托领导的Otherside Entertainment的一款新的多人隐身游戏,将于2026年发布. "Thick as Thieves," a new multiplayer stealth game from Otherside Entertainment, led by Warren Spector, is set for a 2026 release. 这个游戏把魔法和技术混合到一个1910年代的欧洲, 让玩家组成四人团队来策划和实施抢劫。 The game, blending magic and technology in an alternate 1910s Europe, lets players form teams of four to plan and execute heists. 它提供了隐形和行动组合,具有动态的NPC互动和基于玩家选择的不断变化的故事线。 It offers a mix of stealth and action, with dynamic NPC interactions and evolving storylines based on player choices. 玩家可以量身定制他们的盗贼 使用各种装置和能力, 目的是偷盗和逃生 无人注意。 Players can customize their thief with various gadgets and abilities, aiming to steal and escape unnoticed.