西班牙的消费物价指数显示年通货膨胀率上升2.4%,但月度消费物价指数和核心消费物价指数显示增长速度放缓。 Spain's CPI shows rising annual inflation at 2.4%, but monthly CPI and core CPI indicate a slowdown.
西班牙的11月消费物价指数(CPI)记录了2.4%的年同比增长,高于上月的1.8%,表明通货膨胀率上升。 Spain's November Consumer Price Index (CPI) recorded a year-over-year increase of 2.4%, up from 1.8% the previous month, indicating rising inflation. 然而,月度消费物价指数从10月的0.6%下降到0.2%,这表明通货膨胀压力减缓。 However, the monthly CPI dropped to 0.2%, down from 0.6% in October, suggesting a slowdown in inflationary pressures. 核心消费物价指数也略微下降到2.4%。 The core CPI also saw a slight decline to 2.4%. 决策者在考虑采取措施维持经济稳定时,将密切注视这些混杂的信号。 These mixed signals will be closely watched by policymakers considering measures to maintain economic stability.