影子Labyrinth, 一个新的受 Pac-Man 启发的游戏, 预定在2025年在主要平台上发布。 Shadow Labyrinth, a new Pac-Man inspired game, is set for 2025 release on major platforms.
影子迷宫,一个黑暗的Pac-Man重塑,将于2025年在任天堂Switch,PS5,Xbox系列XRSS和PC上通过Steam发布. Shadow Labyrinth, a dark reimagining of Pac-Man, is set for release in 2025 on Nintendo Switch, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam. 玩家控制剑客 Players control Swordsman No. 8 号,由一个名为 Puck 的漂浮的类似吃豆人的实体引导,穿越后世界末日世界。 8, guided by a floating Pac-Man-like entity called Puck, through a post-apocalyptic world. 该游戏由Bandai Namco开发, 以行动平台、老板争斗和探索为特色, 标志着不同于传统的 Pac-Man游戏。 The game, developed by Bandai Namco, features action platforming, boss battles, and exploration, marking a departure from traditional Pac-Man gameplay. 有预先订购单,提供各种版本,包括藏有收藏品的秘密版。 Preorders are available, offering various editions including a Secret Edition with collectibles.