Sacario Ferebee,20岁,因在希尔顿海头向一名32岁男子多次开枪而被捕。 Sacario Ferebee, 20, arrested for shooting a 32-year-old man multiple times in Hilton Head.
20岁的Sacario Ferebee于12月1日在希尔顿岛因枪击事件被捕,一名32岁的男子在一个公寓楼内多次被枪击。 Sacario Ferebee, 20, was arrested for a shooting incident on December 1 in Hilton Head Island, where a 32-year-old man was shot multiple times at an apartment complex. Ferebee面临指控,包括谋杀未遂、在暴力犯罪期间持有武器以及一级入室盗窃。 Ferebee faces charges including attempted murder, possession of a weapon during a violent crime, and first-degree burglary. 他被羁押在博福特县拘留中心。 He is in custody at the Beaufort County Detention Center.