卢旺达新任首席大法官多米蒂拉·穆坎塔甘兹瓦于12月12日宣誓就职,誓言维护正义。 Rwanda's new Chief Justice, Domitilla Mukantaganzwa, was sworn in on December 12th, vowing to uphold justice.
12月12日,卢旺达新任首席大法官多米蒂拉·穆孔塔甘兹瓦与她的副手阿方斯·希迪亚雷姆耶在基加利由保罗·卡加梅总统主持的仪式上宣誓就职,任期五年。 On December 12th, Rwanda's new Chief Justice, Domitilla Mukantaganzwa, was sworn in for a five-year term alongside her deputy, Alphonse Hitiyaremye, in a ceremony presided over by President Paul Kagame in Kigali. 卡加梅强调正义、平等和统一的重要性。 Kagame stressed the importance of justice, equality, and unity. Mukantaganzwa曾领导卢旺达法律改革委员会,并管理加卡卡法院的种族灭绝审判工作,他发誓勤勉地伸张正义。 Mukantaganzwa, who previously led the Rwanda Law Reform Commission and managed genocide trials in Gacaca courts, vowed to diligently deliver justice.