卡车司机撞到俄克拉荷马州埃德蒙的一棵灯杆和树后遇害。 Pickup truck driver killed after crashing into a light pole and tree in Edmond, Oklahoma.
星期五早上在俄克拉荷马州Edmond发生了一起致命的车祸,一辆小卡车司机在南百老汇驶离南百老汇并撞上一根灯杆和一棵树后丧生。 A fatal crash occurred Friday morning in Edmond, Oklahoma, where a pickup truck driver was killed after veering off South Broadway and hitting a light pole and a tree. Edmond警察局正在调查事故原因,此后道路已重新开放。 The Edmond Police Department is investigating the cause of the accident, and the road has since been reopened. 受害者是一名男性,是唯一的居住者,在现场被宣布死亡。 The victim, a male, was the sole occupant and was pronounced dead at the scene.