巴基斯坦外汇储备增加了1 300万美元,截至12月6日总额约为120亿美元。 Pakistan's foreign exchange reserves rose by $13 million, totaling about $12 billion as of December 6.
巴基斯坦国家银行报告说,其外汇储备增加了1 300万美元,使截至12月6日的外汇储备总额达到120亿美元左右。 The State Bank of Pakistan reported a $13 million increase in its foreign exchange reserves, bringing the total to about $12 billion as of December 6. 这包括商业银行持有的46亿美元储备,使流动外汇总储备约为166亿美元。 This includes $4.6 billion in reserves held by commercial banks, making the total liquid foreign reserves around $16.6 billion. 增加额是在上个星期增加6.20亿美元之后增加的,部分原因是亚洲开发银行提供了5亿美元的贷款。 The increase follows a larger rise of $620 million the previous week, partly due to a $500 million loan from the Asian Development Bank.