一名尼日利亚妇女被指控通过喂食老鼠毒药杀害其婴儿女儿。 A Nigerian woman is charged with killing her infant daughter by feeding her rat poison.
在尼日利亚卡杜纳州,一名30岁的妇女Misse Michael被指控犯有杀人罪,据称她向她8个月大的女儿喂老鼠毒药,导致婴儿死亡。 A 30-year-old woman, Mercy Michael, was charged with culpable homicide in Kaduna State, Nigeria, for allegedly feeding rat poison to her 8-month-old daughter, leading to the infant's death. 该案件于12月11日向当局报告,并提交给Kafanchan首席治安法庭。 The case was reported to authorities on December 11 and presented to the Chief Magistrates' Court in Kafanchan. 法院没有管辖权,将案件延期至12月17日,以便进一步进行法律审查。 The court, lacking jurisdiction, has adjourned the case until December 17 for further legal review.