MoneyHero的CFO正在下台,临时CFO接管,同时寻求替换。 MoneyHero's CFO is stepping down, with an interim CFO taking over while a replacement is sought.
MoneyHero有限公司是东南亚金融比较平台,宣布其首席财务干事Hao Qian辞职,自2024年12月15日生效。 MoneyHero Limited, a finance comparison platform in Southeast Asia, announced the resignation of its CFO, Hao Qian, effective December 15, 2024. 集团财务主任Danny Leung被任命为临时首席财务官。 Group Finance Director Danny Leung has been appointed as interim CFO. 该公司正在全球行政搜索顾问的帮助下,正式寻找永久替换。 The company is conducting a formal search for a permanent replacement with the help of global executive search advisors.