梅塔的Threads应用程序引入了Bluesky启发的初始包,为新用户提供账户,旨在提高参与度. Meta's Threads app introduces Bluesky-inspired Starter Packs to suggest accounts for new users, aiming to boost engagement.
Meta的Treads App正在推出一个由Bluesky的启动器包所启发的功能, 建议为新用户收集账户, Meta's Threads app is launching a feature inspired by Bluesky's Starter Packs, suggesting collections of accounts for new users to follow. 该功能在注册和供您使用时可用,目的是提高用户经验,并与拥有近2 500万用户的蓝斯基进行竞争。 Available during sign-up and in the For You feed, the feature aims to enhance user experience and compete with Bluesky, which has nearly 25 million users. 线索计划提供篮球、时尚和流行文化等专题,根据初步测试结果扩展。 Threads plans to offer topics like basketball, fashion, and pop culture, expanding based on initial test results. 此动作沿袭Treads采用 Bluesky 的自定义种子概念, 因为这将促进参与和用户增长。 This move follows Threads adopting Bluesky's custom feed concept, as it looks to boost engagement and user growth.