杀戮地板3,一个新的第一人称射击游戏,计划于2025年3月发布. Killing Floor 3, a new first-person shooter game, is scheduled for release in March 2025.
杀戮地板3,Tripwire互动公司的一人称射击游戏,将于2025年3月发布. Killing Floor 3, a first-person shooter game from Tripwire Interactive, is set for release in March 2025. 该游戏于2091年举行,其特色是作为反叛团体的一部分,与称为Zeds的生物工程怪物作战的玩家。 The game, which takes place in 2091, features players as part of a rebel group fighting against bio-engineered monsters called Zeds. 游戏的背景是"杀戮地板2"的70年后,游戏支持多达5名玩家的合作模式,并为怪物提供一系列武器和新的AI. Set 70 years after Killing Floor 2, it supports up to five players in co-op mode and offers a range of weapons and new AI for the monsters. 官方网站上可以注册封闭测试版本. A closed beta is available for sign-up on the official website.