泽西岛的迅速行动和公共报告阻止了入侵的亚洲黄蜂在英国的传播。 Jersey's rapid action and public reporting halted the spread of invasive Asian hornets in the UK.
来自埃克塞特大学和联合王国生态和水文中心的研究人员发现,泽西岛对阻止入侵的亚洲黄蜂在联合王国的蔓延至关重要。 Researchers from the University of Exeter and the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology found that Jersey was crucial in stopping the spread of the invasive Asian hornet in the UK. 该研究由欧盟资助,测试了岛上的检测和根除系统,在岛上建立了黄蜂。 The study, funded by the EU, tested detection and eradication systems on the island, where the hornet is established. 尽管气候和生境适宜,但快速行动和公共报告有助于限制大黄蜂的传播。 Rapid action and public reporting have helped limit the hornet's spread, despite suitable climate and habitat. 如果没有干预,到2020年,小黄蜂可能至少侵袭联合王国1 680平方公里。 Without intervention, the hornet could have infested at least 1,680 sq km of the UK by 2020.