爱尔兰的 RTÉ 计划在救助削减后为员工提供高达 1,000 欧元的免税代金券,成本为 1.75M 欧元。 Ireland's RTÉ plans to give staff up to €1,000 in non-taxable vouchers, costing €1.75M, post-bailout cuts.
爱尔兰国家广播公司RTE计划向其工作人员分发价值达1 000欧元的不征税凭单,费用约为175万欧元。 Ireland's national broadcaster, RTÉ, plans to distribute non-taxable vouchers worth up to €1,000 to its staff, costing around €1.75 million. 这一举措是同RTE工会小组达成的临时协议的一部分,将在招标过程结束后明年初分发。 This initiative is part of an interim agreement with the RTÉ Trade Union Group, to be distributed early next year following a tender process. 该广播公司最近收到5 600万欧元的救助款,还减少了400个就业机会,并实施了削减成本的措施。 The broadcaster recently received a €56 million bailout and has also cut 400 jobs and implemented cost-cutting measures.