印度最高法院寻求对蛇咬死采取行动,理由是难以获得抗毒液。 India's Supreme Court seeks action on snakebite deaths, citing poor access to anti-venom.
印度最高法院已就一项请愿向政府和各邦发出通知,以寻求在保健中心和医院更好地获得抗毒和蛇咬病治疗。 The Supreme Court in India has issued notices to the government and states on a petition seeking better access to anti-venom and snakebite treatment at health centers and hospitals. 请愿书由律师Shailendra Mani Tripathi提交, 强调该国蛇肉死亡率高, 每年约有58 000人死亡。 Filed by lawyer Shailendra Mani Tripathi, the petition highlights the country's high mortality rate from snakebites, with around 58,000 deaths annually. 它呼吁开展提高公众认识的运动和设立专门治疗单位来解决这一问题。 It calls for public awareness campaigns and specialized treatment units to address the issue.