印度新的轻型坦克通过高空测试,准备沿中国边境部署。 India's new light tank passes high-altitude tests, set for deployment along China border.
印度新开发的印度轻型坦克(ILT)已成功完成超过4 200米高空的射击试验,显示出准确性能。 India's newly developed Indian Light Tank (ILT) has successfully completed firing trials at high altitudes over 4,200 meters, showing accurate performance. 由战斗车辆研究开发机构与Larsen & Toubro公司开发的25吨坦克旨在加强印度沿中国边境的战斗能力。 The 25-tonne tank, developed by the Combat Vehicles Research & Development Establishment with Larsen & Toubro, aims to boost India's combat capabilities along the China border. 印度军队计划部署350多辆坦克,主要在山区。 The Indian Army plans to deploy over 350 tanks, mainly in mountainous regions. 该坦克还展示了空运能力,使在偏远地区的快速部署成为可能。 The tank also demonstrated airlift capability, enabling quick deployment in remote areas.