印度球队老板因在兰卡T10联赛中涉嫌纠正比赛而在斯里兰卡被捕. Indian team owner arrested in Sri Lanka for alleged match-fixing in Lanka T10 League.
Prem Thakur于2024年12月12日遭斯里兰卡体育警察逮捕, Indian team owner Prem Thakur was arrested on December 12, 2024, by Sri Lanka's sports police for alleged match-fixing in the Lanka T10 League. 逮捕事件发生后,一名西印度队友提出申诉,否认Thakur试图修补匹配。 The arrest followed a complaint from a West Indian teammate who rejected Thakur's attempt to fix a match. 这起事件引发了对比赛完整性的严重关切,该比赛目前正在调查之中。 This incident has raised serious concerns about the integrity of the tournament, now under investigation.