伊利诺伊州向遗产行为健康基金拨款43.8M美元,用于搬迁和翻新,加强服务。 Illinois grants $43.8M to Heritage Behavioral Health for relocation and renovation, enhancing services.
伊利诺伊州Decatur的遗产行为保健中心收到州提供的4 380万美元赠款,用于翻修和将其主楼迁至新地产。 Heritage Behavioral Health Center in Decatur, Illinois, received a $43.8 million grant from the state to renovate and move its main building to a new property. 翻修最初估计为5 000万美元,预计大约需要三年时间。 The renovations, originally estimated at $50 million, are expected to take about three years. 该中心将把53个方案和300名雇员合并到新的地点,改善Macon、DeWitt和Piatt县获得行为保健服务的机会。 The center will consolidate its 53 programs and 300 employees into the new location, improving access to behavioral health services in Macon, DeWitt, and Piatt counties.