新加坡现代科技中心庆祝一年的电动汽车和自动化进步。 Hyundai's Singapore tech center celebrates a year of advancing electric cars and automation.
现代汽车集团新加坡创新中心(HMGICS)成立一周年, 突显可持续流动解决方案、制造技术和客户经验的进步。 Hyundai Motor Group's Innovation Center Singapore (HMGICS) marked its first anniversary, highlighting advancements in sustainable mobility solutions, manufacturing technology, and customer experience. 在小组执行主席Euisun Chung的领导下,该中心在物流自动化和电动车辆生产方面取得了里程碑式的成就,如IONIQ 5。 Under Group Executive Chair Euisun Chung, the center has achieved milestones in logistics automation and electric vehicle production, like the IONIQ 5. 它还与当地大学和机构合作,与社区接触,以促进创新和社会成长。 It also engages with the community through collaborations with local universities and institutions, aiming to foster innovation and societal growth.