国家选举委员会的报告显示, 州长支持建立州警察部队, 以加强地方安全。 Governors support creating state police forces to boost local security, NEC reports show.
全国各地的州长一致表示支持建立国家警察部队。 Governors across the country have unanimously expressed support for the creation of state police forces. 这项决定是在国家经济理事会讨论之后作出的,在该委员会,省长提交了支持该倡议的报告。 This decision comes following discussions at the National Economic Council (NEC), where governors submitted reports backing the initiative. 此举旨在加强地方执法能力,并解决各州内部的安全关切。 The move aims to enhance local law enforcement capabilities and address security concerns within each state.