联合国维和人员Sean Rooney家属收到有关他2022年在黎巴嫩死亡的更多细节。 Family of UN peacekeeper Sean Rooney to receive more details about his 2022 death in Lebanon.
2022年12月在黎巴嫩遇害的一名联合国维和人员Sean Rooney二等兵的家属将会收到有关其死亡的更多资料。 The family of Private Sean Rooney, a UN peacekeeper killed in Lebanon in December 2022, will receive additional information about his death. 联合国先前向爱尔兰政府提供了一份限制性报告,但无法与Rooney的家人分享。 The UN previously provided a restricted report to the Irish government, which could not be shared with Rooney's family. 尽管联合国最初拒绝,他们现在同意与Rooney家族分享一些细节,解决他们对缺乏信息感到沮丧的问题。 Despite the UN's initial refusal, they have now agreed to share some details with the Rooney family, addressing their frustration over the lack of information.