18岁的Olivia Flores家族 起诉前警员Shane Roper 在高速坠机中死亡 Family of Olivia Flores, 18, sues former trooper Shane Roper for her death in a high-speed crash.
18岁的Olivia Flores一家在明尼苏达州罗切斯特交通事故中丧生, 控告前州警Shane Roper, The family of 18-year-old Olivia Flores, killed in a traffic crash in Rochester, Minnesota, has sued former state trooper Shane Roper, who was driving a squad car at over 80 mph without lights when he hit her vehicle. Roper面临包括过失杀人和车辆犯罪谋杀在内的指控。 Roper faces charges including manslaughter and criminal vehicular homicide. 向联邦法院提起的诉讼声称,他侵犯了Flores' 14修正案的权利,并要求赔偿损失和律师费。 The lawsuit, filed in federal court, alleges he violated Flores' 14th Amendment rights and seeks compensation for damages and attorney fees.