DigiBoxx与Arctera合作在印度提供安全、负担得起的云备份服务。 DigiBoxx partners with Arctera to offer secure, affordable cloud backup services in India.
印度数字存储平台DigiBoxx与Arctera合作,向印度企业和政府机构提供安全的云备份和恢复服务。 DigiBoxx, an Indian digital storage platform, has partnered with Arctera to offer secure cloud backup and recovery services to businesses and government institutions in India. 在Megh3上使用S3兼容的云储存备份Exec,这项服务旨在提供负担得起和安全的数据保护,而无需增加硬件或信息技术人员。 Using Backup Exec on Megh3, an S3-compatible cloud storage, the service aims to provide affordable and secure data protection without the need for additional hardware or IT staff. 特征包括强有力的加密和保护,防止恶意软件和赎金软件。 Features include robust encryption and protection against malware and ransomware.