Clare Urmston成为新的Anemoi海洋技术首席执行官,接替Kim Diederichsen。 Clare Urmston becomes the new CEO of Anemoi Marine Technologies, succeeding Kim Diederichsen.
Clare Urmston被提名为Anemoi海洋技术的新任首席执行官,接替了金迪德瑞克森,他在五年多后即将下台。 Clare Urmston has been named the new CEO of Anemoi Marine Technologies, succeeding Kim Diederichsen who is stepping down after over five years. Urmston以前在Anemoi担任CFO和COO, 从多个部门获得经验。 Urmston, who previously served as CFO and COO at Anemoi, brings experience from multiple sectors. Anemoi为航运业提供风能推进技术,它取得了显著增长,特别是其轮船航行帮助船舶高效利用风能。 Anemoi, which provides wind-propulsion technology for the shipping industry, has seen significant growth, particularly with its Rotor Sails that help vessels use wind energy efficiently.