在"Hannah Montana" 和"Austin & Ally" 上工作的播音导演Carol Goldwasser 于67岁去世。 Casting director Carol Goldwasser, who worked on 'Hannah Montana' and 'Austin & Ally,' died at 67.
卡罗尔·戈德瓦瑟,一位因在包括'汉娜·蒙塔纳'和'奥斯汀与盟友'在内的热门儿童电视节目中的工作而闻名的选角导演,于12月5日在棕榈泉去世,享年67岁。 Carol Goldwasser, a casting director known for her work on popular kids' TV shows including 'Hannah Montana' and 'Austin & Ally,' died at 67 on December 5th in Palm Springs after a minor surgery. 有了20年的职业生涯, 她开创了Zac Efron和Alison Brie等明星的事业。 With a 20-year career, she launched the careers of stars like Zac Efron and Alison Brie. Goldwasser在进入铸造业之前,具有音乐表演和教育背景。 Goldwasser had a background in music performance and education before entering the casting industry.