布法罗比尔队由于超过 2 英尺的积雪取消了训练,但计划在周日进行比赛。 The Buffalo Bills canceled practice due to over 2 feet of snow but plan to play Sunday.
由于布法罗有两英尺以上的积雪, 水牛比尔公司取消了星期四的练习, 选择参加虚拟团队会议。 The Buffalo Bills canceled their Thursday practice due to over two feet of snow in Buffalo, opting instead for virtual team meetings. 球队的体育场被大雪覆盖。 The team's stadium was heavily snow-covered. 尽管天气恶劣,他们仍计划在周日下午4点25分 与底特律狮子队比赛。 Despite the weather, they are scheduled to play against the Detroit Lions on Sunday at 4:25 pm ET. 重大降雪导致埃里县禁止旅行,在星期四晚些时候解除禁令之前,预计会有更多雪雪。 The heavy snowfall led to a travel ban in Erie County, with more snow expected before the ban was to be lifted later Thursday.