Brett Randle, "南部魅力"的丈夫,麦迪逊·勒克罗伊, 被诊断为甲状腺癌并接受治疗。 Brett Randle, husband of "Southern Charm's" Madison LeCroy, was diagnosed with and treated for thyroid cancer.
麦迪逊·勒克罗伊(Madison LeCroy)在最近的一集《南方魅力》中透露, 她的丈夫布雷特·兰德尔(Brett Randle)在2023年底结婚一周年前夕被诊断患有甲状腺癌。 In a recent episode of "Southern Charm," Madison LeCroy revealed that her husband, Brett Randle, was diagnosed with thyroid cancer just before their one-year wedding anniversary in late 2023. 布雷特切除了一个3厘米的结核,消除了癌症,但他继续面临并发症,包括吞咽问题。 Brett had a 3cm nodule removed, which eliminated the cancer, but he continues to face complications, including swallowing issues. 麦迪逊尽量不告诉儿子,以免担心,并提到他们关于另一个孩子的计划由于布雷特的健康而被搁置。 Madison has kept their son minimally informed to avoid worry and mentioned that their plans for another child are on hold due to Brett's health.