Bihar否认问题泄露谣言;尽管不允许接听电话,但考试期间仍出现中断。 Bihar denies question leak rumors; disruptions occur during exam despite no phone access allowed.
Bihar公共服务委员会(BPSC)在最近于帕塔举行的考试中否认关于问题泄漏的传闻。 The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has denied rumors of a question leak during its recent exam in Patna. 尽管一些学生扰乱了考试,声称试卷在网上泄露,但 BPSC 主席 Parmar Ravi Manubhai 坚称没有收到来自 912 考试中心的投诉,并强调学生没有电话。 Despite some students disrupting the test, claiming the paper had leaked online, BPSC Chairman Parmar Ravi Manubhai insists no complaints were received from the 912 exam centers and emphasizes students had no phone access. 将对闭路电视录像进行审查,并对造成干扰者采取法律行动。 CCTV footage will be reviewed, and legal action may be taken against those who caused disruptions.