白俄罗斯总统卢卡申科赞扬学生劳工团队,将其与技能发展和领导力挂钩。 Belarusian President Lukashenko lauds student labor teams, linking them to skill development and leadership.
白俄罗斯总统Aleksandr Lukashenko在12月13日的一次仪式上赞扬学生劳工团队, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko praised student labor teams at a ceremony on December 13, highlighting their role in developing skills and fostering leadership. 他分享了苏维埃时代的亲身经历,强调工作如何教导他责任和独立。 He shared his own experiences from the Soviet era, emphasizing how the work taught him responsibility and independence. Lukashenko还赞扬工厂管理人员提供了这些机会,认为这些机会是该国未来的关键。 Lukashenko also commended factory managers for providing these opportunities, seeing them as key to the country's future.