澳大利亚政府重新评估在抗议后削减残疾人艺术治疗经费。 Australian government reevaluates funding cuts to arts therapies for disabled after protests.
在家长和治疗师的抗议之后,澳大利亚政府正重新考虑削减残疾人音乐、艺术和戏剧治疗资金。 The Australian government is reconsidering cuts to funding for music, arts, and drama therapies for disabled people, following protests from parents and therapists. 父母认为,这些疗法对于其子女的发展至关重要。 Parents argue that these therapies are vital for their children's development. 经济学家Stephen Duckett将审查证据以确定治疗的有效性。 Economist Stephen Duckett will review the evidence to determine the therapies' effectiveness. 国家残疾保险计划以前认为这些疗法不符合证据标准,但创意艺术治疗者协会对此持异议,声称艺术疗法是以证据为基础的。 The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) previously deemed these therapies did not meet evidentiary standards, but the Association of Creative Arts Therapists disputes this, claiming arts therapy is evidence-based. 审查的结论将指导今后的任何变化。 The review's findings will guide any future changes.