BSF官方说,印度-巴基斯坦边境沿线的反地铁系统切断无人机活动。 Anti-drone system along India-Pakistan border cuts drone activities, BSF official says.
据BSF监察长D K Boora说,沿查谟的印度-巴基斯坦边界部署反地铁系统大大减少了无人机活动。 The deployment of an anti-drone system along the India-Pakistan border in Jammu has significantly reduced drone activities, according to BSF Inspector General D K Boora. 先进技术和更多部队加强了安全,挫败了对抗性企图,包括逮捕两名巴基斯坦入侵者和缴获7.659公斤以上麻醉品。 Advanced technology and additional troops have bolstered security, leading to the thwarting of adversarial attempts, including the apprehension of two Pakistani intruders and the seizure of over 7.659 kg of narcotics. 边界安全部队计划扩大监视范围,以覆盖整个边界。 The BSF plans to expand surveillance to cover the entire border.