阿曼达·西弗里德(Amanda Seyfried stars in "Ann Lee")是一部关于Shaker运动创始人的音乐片, Amanda Seyfried stars in "Ann Lee," a musical film about the founder of the Shaker Movement, set for 2025 release.
阿曼达·赛弗里德(Amanda Seyfried stars)在一部名为「安·李」的新音乐片中, 由莫娜·费斯特沃尔德(Mona Fastvold)导演, Amanda Seyfried stars in a new musical film called "Ann Lee," directed by Mona Fastvold, about the life of Mother Ann Lee, the founder of the Shaker Movement. 包括Thomasin McKenzie和Christopher Abbott在内的影片定于2025年发行。 The film, featuring a cast including Thomasin McKenzie and Christopher Abbott, is set to release in 2025. 该项目由Brady Corbet和Fastvold的剧本以及Daniel Blumberg的音乐组成, 标志着Seyfried从“Mamma Mia! The project, with a script by Brady Corbet and Fastvold and music by Daniel Blumberg, marks Seyfried's return to musicals since "Mamma Mia! 在这里,我们又来了。" Here We Go Again."