一名在蒙特利尔附近被绑架的9岁男孩在安珀警报发布后不久被发现安全。 A 9-year-old boy abducted near Montreal was found safe shortly after an Amber Alert was issued.
一名在蒙特利尔附近被绑架的9岁男孩在安珀警报发布后不久被发现安全。 A 9-year-old boy who was abducted near Montreal was found safe shortly after an Amber Alert was issued. 星期三下午1点50分左右带走了孩子,下午5点30分前发出了安珀警报。 The child was taken around 1:50 p.m. on Wednesday, and an Amber Alert was issued before 5:30 p.m. 下午5时45分这名男孩在蒙特利尔安全抵达。 The boy was located safe by 5:45 p.m. in Montreal. 魁北克省警方已经终止了安珀警报,调查仍在进行中。 The Quebec provincial police have ended the Amber Alert, and the investigation is ongoing.