汤姆·汉密尔顿 克利夫兰守护者35年的播音员 赢得了2025年福特C·弗里克奖 Tom Hamilton, Cleveland Guardians' announcer for 35 years, wins 2025 Ford C. Frick Award.
汤姆·汉密尔顿 (Tom Hamilton) 是克利夫兰守护者队 (Cleveland Guardians) 的 35 个赛季的逐场播音员,他被美国国家棒球名人堂评为 2025 年福特 C. 弗里克奖 (Ford C. Frick Award) 的获得者,以表彰他在广播方面的卓越表现。 Tom Hamilton, the Cleveland Guardians' play-by-play announcer for 35 seasons, has been named the 2025 recipient of the Ford C. Frick Award for excellence in broadcasting by the National Baseball Hall of Fame. 汉密尔顿,第49届赢家 将在2025年7月获得荣誉 Hamilton, the 49th winner, will be honored in July 2025. 他以讲述球队最成功的时代而闻名,他已经召集了100多场季后赛比赛,也是唯一一个报道了三支克利夫兰世界系列赛球队的广播员. Known for narrating the team’s most successful era, he has called over 100 postseason games and is the only broadcaster to cover three Cleveland World Series teams.