Roger White, AG Bar公司前首席执行官,在财务报告问题方面接管了C&C集团。 Roger White, former CEO of AG Barr, takes over C&C Group amid financial reporting issues.
C&C Group, Magners cider的制造者, 已经任命AG Bar公司前首席执行官Roger White为新领导人, 于1月20日生效。 C&C Group, the maker of Magners cider, has named former AG Barr CEO Roger White as its new leader, effective January 20. 由于财务报告错误导致1 700万欧元的利润损失,Patrick McMahon辞职后采取了这一行动。 The move follows the resignation of Patrick McMahon due to financial reporting errors that led to a €17 million profit loss. 白人将获得65万英镑的基薪,可能得到的奖金最高可达812 500英镑。 White will earn a base salary of £650,000, with potential bonuses up to £812,500. Ralph Findlay,临时首席执行官,将恢复他作为非执行主席的角色。 Ralph Findlay, interim CEO, will revert to his role as non-executive chairman.