作为一家在线银行, Revolut 已拥有全球5000万用户, 其中包括爱尔兰的300万用户, 旨在迅速扩张. Revolut, an online bank, reaches 50 million global users, including 3 million in Ireland, aiming for rapid expansion.
网络银行(Revolut)在爱尔兰打击了300万客户,在全球打击了5 000万客户,目的是在两到三年内将用户基础翻一番。 Revolut, the online bank, has hit 3 million customers in Ireland and 50 million globally, aiming to double its user base within two to three years. 该公司最近任命Malcolm Craig为其在爱尔兰的新国家经理,侧重于信任和更好的银行服务。 The company recently appointed Malcolm Craig as its new country manager in Ireland, focusing on trust and better banking services. 革命还服务于429 000名18岁以下的用户和27 500多家企业,个人贷款和信用卡销售增长强劲。 Revolut also serves over 429,000 users under 18 and more than 27,500 businesses, with strong growth in personal loans and credit card sales.