在彩虹城,一名被扣为人质的警察在嫌疑人开枪后开枪打死了一名参与其中的军官。 In Rainbow City, a hostage situation led to a fatal officer-involved shooting after shots were fired by the suspect.
在亚拉巴马的彩虹城, 威廉姆斯大道的一宗家庭事件 于星期三升级为人质事件。 In Rainbow City, Alabama, a domestic incident on Williams Avenue escalated into a hostage situation on Wednesday. 警方对嫌疑人开枪作出反应,导致一名警员参与枪击,嫌疑人被致命枪击。 Police responded to shots fired by the suspect, leading to an officer-involved shooting where the suspect was fatally shot. 没有军官受伤。 No officers were injured. 阿拉巴马州执法机构正在领导正在进行的调查。 The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency is leading the ongoing investigation. 更详细的资料一旦提供,将予以提供。 More details will be provided as they become available.