Peacock 正在重启《周五夜灯》(Friday Night Lights),重点讲述德克萨斯州一支球队在飓风过后夺冠的旅程。 Peacock is rebooting "Friday Night Lights," focusing on a Texas team's journey to a championship post-hurricane.
Peacock 正在开发高中橄榄球剧《周五夜灯》的重启版,包括杰森·卡蒂姆斯、彼得·伯格和布莱恩·格雷泽在内的原始创意团队将作为执行制片人回归。 Peacock is developing a reboot of the high school football drama "Friday Night Lights," with the original creative team including Jason Katims, Peter Berg, and Brian Grazer returning as executive producers. 新系列将集中在德克萨斯州高中足球队 和他们的临时教练 在一场毁灭性的飓风后 努力争取州冠军 The new series will center on a Texas high school football team and their interim coach striving for a state championship after a devastating hurricane. 虽然原班人马的参与尚不确定,但该系列旨在捕捉使原作大受欢迎的希望和韧性的主题。 While original cast members' involvement is uncertain, the series aims to capture the themes of hope and resilience that made the original a hit.