巴黎奥运会利用可再生能源和抵消项目,与最近的奥运会相比,将二氧化碳排放量减少了54.6%。 Paris Olympics cut CO2 emissions by 54.6% compared to recent Games, using renewable energy and offset projects.
巴黎奥运会产生了159万吨CO2,比伦敦和里约奥运会减少了54.6%。 The Paris Olympics produced 1.59 million tons of CO2, marking a 54.6% reduction compared to the London and Rio Games. 努力包括使用98.4%的可再生能源、40%的膳食用素食选择,以及花费1 200万欧元用于全球项目以抵消排放。 Efforts included using 98.4% renewable energy, vegetarian food options for 40% of meals, and spending 12 million euros on global projects to offset emissions. 尽管作出了这些努力,但由于仍然存在环境影响,组织者将不会主张碳中和。 Despite these efforts, the organizers will not claim carbon neutrality due to remaining environmental impacts.