逮捕试图进入印度的巴基斯坦青少年;在附近发现了武器储藏处。 Pakistani teen arrested trying to cross into India; nearby weapons cache found.
一名18岁的巴基斯坦男子在试图跨越控制线进入查谟和克什米尔Poonch区时被印度部队逮捕。 An 18-year-old Pakistani man was arrested by Indian forces while trying to cross the Line of Control into Poonch district, Jammu and Kashmir. 初步调查表明,他可能无意中越境。 Initial investigations suggest he may have crossed inadvertently. 另外,安全部队在附近的Reasi区发现了藏匿的武器,包括AK-47突击步枪和手榴弹,目前正在进行调查,以查明与恐怖活动有任何联系。 Separately, security forces found a cache of weapons, including an AK-47 and hand grenades, in the nearby Reasi district, with investigations ongoing to identify any links to terrorist activities.