俄亥俄州代表建议 将橄榄球场的旗帜植入 一场比赛结束后的争吵定为重罪 Ohio rep proposes making planting a flag on football field a felony after post-game brawl.
俄亥俄州众议员乔什·威廉姆斯 (Josh Williams) 提出了《OHI 体育精神法案》,提议将俄亥俄体育场的场地插旗定为重罪。 Ohio state Rep. Josh Williams has introduced the O.H.I.O Sportsmanship Act, proposing to make planting a flag on Ohio Stadium's field a felony. 在11月30日密歇根州-奥希奥州比赛后, 密歇根州球员试图升旗, 导致两所学校争斗并罚款10万美元。 The bill follows a brawl after the Michigan-Ohio State game on Nov. 30, where Michigan players tried to plant their flag, leading to a fight and $100,000 fines for both schools. 该法旨在防止在体育赛事期间发生此类暴力事件。 The act aims to prevent such violent incidents during sports events.