尼日利亚FCT行政当局否认在阿布贾提出的土地掠夺要求,理由是一家公司没有遵守占用规则。 Nigeria's FCT Administration denies land grabbing claims in Abuja, citing a company's failure to comply with occupancy rules.
尼日利亚FCT行政当局否认关于强占土地的指控,特别是在阿布贾生活营地。 The FCT Administration in Nigeria denies allegations of land grabbing, specifically in Life Camp, Abuja. 高级特别助理Lere Olayinka说,Paulosa Nigeria Ltd自1984年以来在临时占用权下占有土地,未经批准。 Senior Special Assistant Lere Olayinka stated that Paulosa Nigeria Ltd occupied land under a temporary Right of Occupancy since 1984 without approval. 该公司在2023年2月获得法定占用权,但附加了条件,但未能遵守,导致2024年10月吊销批准。 After the company was granted a statutory Right of Occupancy in February 2023 with conditions, they failed to comply, leading to the revocation of approval in October 2024. Olayinka敦促批评者在传播错误信息之前核实指控。 Olayinka urged critics to verify claims before spreading misinformation.