因为流感, Mariah Carey取消了匹兹堡圣诞音乐会, 退款。 Mariah Carey cancels Pittsburgh Christmas concert due to flu, offers refunds.
Mariah Carey计划在匹兹堡举行的圣诞音乐会因流感诊断被取消了。 Mariah Carey's scheduled Christmas concert in Pittsburgh was canceled due to her flu diagnosis. Carey在社会媒体上向球迷道歉, Carey apologized to fans on social media, and refunds are being offered to ticket holders. 12月14日将在纽瓦克继续巡演。 The tour will continue in Newark on December 14th. 同时鼓励粉丝们聆听她的圣诞专辑。 Fans are encouraged to listen to her Christmas albums in the meantime.