马来西亚启动国家人工智能办公室,成为一个由科技巨头支持的区域人工智能中心. Malaysia launches national AI office to become a regional AI hub, backed by tech giants.
马来西亚于12月12日启动国家人工智能办公室,制定政策,解决人工智能监管问题,旨在成为区域人工智能中心. Malaysia launched a national AI office on December 12 to develop policies and address AI regulatory issues, aiming to become a regional AI hub. 该办公室在与亚马逊、谷歌和微软等技术巨人的伙伴关系的支持下,将侧重于战略规划、监管和道德操守。 The office, supported by partnerships with tech giants like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, will focus on strategic planning, regulation, and ethics. 该国在2024年吸引了160多亿美元的技术投资,驱动其数字经济。 The country has attracted over $16 billion in tech investments in 2024, driving its digital economy.