MOBO奖创始人Kanya King在颁奖展上披露了第四期肠癌诊断。 Kanya King, MOBO Awards founder, reveals stage four bowel cancer diagnosis at awards show.
Kanya King,MOBO奖的创始人,披露她在伦敦的活生生奖上 得了四期肠癌,同时接受了终身成就奖。 Kanya King, founder of the MOBO Awards, revealed she has stage four bowel cancer at the Live Awards in London while accepting a lifetime achievement prize. 尽管进行了诊断,国王仍打算利用她的平台提高对早期健康检测和健康公平的认识,鼓励其他人对其健康采取积极主动的态度。 Despite the diagnosis, King aims to use her platform to raise awareness about early health detection and health equity, encouraging others to be proactive about their health. MOBO奖是她于1996年为在联合王国庆祝黑人音乐而创立的,在她的指导下,在筹备2025年活动和2026年30周年纪念活动时,该奖项将继续下去。 The MOBO Awards, which she founded in 1996 to celebrate black music in the UK, will continue under her guidance as it prepares for its 2025 event and 30th anniversary in 2026.