K-Eectric在巴基斯坦的太阳能项目吸引创纪录的低价投标,目的是每年节省数十亿消费者。 K-Electric’s solar projects in Pakistan attract record-low bids, aiming to save consumers billions annually.
K-Eectric(KE)正在推进其可再生能源目标,为在巴基斯坦温德和贝拉的150兆瓦太阳能项目吸引了创纪录的低价投标。 K-Electric (KE) is moving forward with its renewable energy goals, attracting record-low bids for its 150MW solar projects in Winder and Bela, Pakistan. 最低出价为每单位11.65卢比和11.20卢比。 The lowest bids came in at Rs11.65 and Rs11.20 per unit. 这些项目是KE到2030年增加1 300兆瓦可再生能源计划的一部分,预计每年将节省大约25亿卢比的消费者。 These projects, part of KE's plan to add 1,300MW of renewable energy by 2030, are expected to save consumers around Rs2.5 billion annually. 国家电力管制局(Nepra)已结束听证会,不久将就项目作出决定。 The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) has concluded hearings and will soon decide on the projects.