日本收紧了禁毒法律,将使用大麻定为犯罪,最高可判处7年监禁。 Japan tightens drug laws, criminalizing cannabis use with up to seven years in prison.
日本更新了毒品法,将使用大麻和三氢大麻酚定为犯罪,并处以最高7年监禁的处罚。 Japan has updated its drug laws to criminalize the use of cannabis and THC, with penalties including up to seven years in prison. 以前,法律只禁止拥有、转移和种植。 Previously, laws only banned possession, transfer, and cultivation. 新法还使医学大麻产品合法化,事实证明这些产品是安全和有效的。 The new laws also legalize medical cannabis products proven safe and effective. 2023年,有创记录的6,703人因与大麻有关的犯罪而受到调查,其中大多数不到30人。 In 2023, a record 6,703 individuals were investigated for cannabis-related offenses, with most under 30. 这些变化旨在解决青年人中日益增长的药物滥用问题。 The changes aim to tackle growing drug abuse among young people.