爱尔兰电视台主持人Kathryn Thomas指出, 巴布亚新几内亚一名男子用砍刀追逐一名男子。 Irish TV host Kathryn Thomas recounts being chased by a man with a machete in Papua New Guinea.
爱尔兰电视台主持人Kathryn Thomas分享了她在巴布亚新几内亚旅行时的一个可怕的故事, Irish TV host Kathryn Thomas shared a frightening story from her travels in Papua New Guinea, where she was chased by a man with a machete while filming for her show "No Frontiers." 尽管存在危险,她仍然认为这次旅行是她的最佳体验之一。 Despite the danger, she still considers the trip one of her best experiences. Thomas也讨论了她长期担任“转型行动”的主办人, 以及她在娱乐业中的愿望。 Thomas also discussed her long run as the host of "Operation Transformation" and her aspirations in the entertainment industry.